An-other City (In Danish: En anden by, 2021 + En anden by 2, 2023)
Manifesto-like book (264 pages, English) questioning the current practice of architecture and suggesting a more anarchistic and experimental approach to the creation of cities.
Henrik Valeur (2023) The Architectural Publisher B. ISBN: 978-87-92700-45-2.
About About

The floating community
Festival-like book (264 pages, English) about a spontaneously co-evolved and self-organized community of outsiders, created in close collaboration with current and former residents: Andreas Wolf, Gabriel, Kami, Kasper Hedegreen, Örn, Patryk, Sira Hentze, Stephen James Back and Storken.
Henrik Valeur (2021) The Architectural Publisher B. ISBN: 978-87-92700-35-3.
India: the Urban Transition – a Case Study of Development Urbanism
Monograph (344 pages, English) discussing problems related to the urban transition of India and proposing possible solutions, made in collaboration with activists, bureaucrats, developers, entrepreneurs, researchers and students in India.
Henrik Valeur (2014) The Architectural Publisher B. ISBN: 978-87-92700-09-4.
Shanghai-Beijing – byhistorier og moderne byer
Compendium (44 pages, Danish) for study trip to China with the Danish Association of Architects.
Henrik Valeur (2010) Self-published.
E-book [3.6MB]
The Harmonious City
Catalogue (84 pages, Chinese) for exhibition at Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center. Contributions by UiD, The Danish Ministry for the Environment, The Danish Transport Research Institute, The Municipality of Copenhagen, The Municipality of Odense, APV, BioKube, Building Heritage of Denmark, CIOS, Danfoss, DHI, Grontmij | Carl Bro, Kontrapunkt, Roxul / Rockwool, Velux, Vestas.
Henrik Valeur (ed.) (2007) The Danish Architecture Centre. ISBN 87-90668-64-2.
E-book [60 MB]
CO-EVOLUTION: Danish/Chinese Collaboration on Sustainable Urban Development in China
Catalogue (186 pages, Chinese + English) for exhibition at the Venice Biennale, 10th International Architecture Exhibition and the 2nd Architectural Biennial Beijing. Contributions by Henrik Valeur and UiD, CEBRA + Tsinghua, COBE + CQU, EFFEKT + Tongji and TRANSFORM + XAUAT.
Henrik Valeur (ed.) (2006) CO-EVOLUTION. The Danish Architecture Centre. ISBN 87-90668-61-8.
Henrik Valeur (ed.) (2007) CO-EVOLUTION. Beijing, China Electric Power Press. ISBN 978-7-5083-5323-4.
A New Future for Planning
Catalogue (88 pages, English) for exhibition at the 6th European Biennal of Towns and Town Planners. Contributions by Blankspace, Copenhagenoffice, Effekt, Force4, Mutopia, Nord, Testbedstudio and UiD.
Henrik Valeur and Frederik Fritzson (eds.) (2005) The Architectural Publisher B. ISBN 87-990146-5-3.
Pamphlet (26 pages, Danish + Swedish) about urban regions and regional urbanization. Published for exhibition at Form/Design Center, Malmö.
Henrik Valeur and Frederik Fritzson (2001) Self-published.
E-booklet [4.2MB]
E-booklet [4.2MB]
Catalogue (32 pages, Danish/English) for exhibition at Arkitekturgalleriet (#9), the Danish Architecture Centre. Contributions by Alex Wall, Christophe Cornubert, MIKAN, njiric+njiric, WEST8 and UiD.
Henrik Valeur (1999) The Danish Architecture Centre. ISBN 87-90668-14-6.