The floating community
• Danish Development Research Network
• Udsatterådet Aalborg, Denmark.
• Utzon Center, Denmark.
• Grobund Højskole, Denmark.
The Architect’s Ethics
• The Danish Association of Architects, Denmark.
Relocating Copenhagen
• The People’s Democratic Meeting in Sydhavn, Denmark.
The antimatter of architecture
• The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Denmark.
Another City
• The Youth House (Dødsmaskinen), Copenhagen NV, Denmark: The History of Urban Squatting and the Struggle for the Right to Remake the City Today
• People’s House, Nørrebro, Denmark: Fredens Havn – a radical experiment with another way of living in the city.
Video (excerpts)
• People’s Democratic Festival in Sydhavn, Denmark: Sydhavn as a laboratory for alternative urban development and living
A Culture of Fearing ‘The Other’: Spatial Segregation in South Africa
• Centre for Civil Society, University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa.
India: the Urban Transition
• Urban Futures Centre, Durban University of Technology, South Africa.
• Development Planning Unit, University College London, UK.
• South Asia Institute, Harvard University, USA.
Networking Bangalore – applying complexity theory to design and planning
Open City Summer School, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
Social and Environmental Sustainability in Urban India
Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, India.
Development urbanism – an alternative to the ‘smart city’ concept
• Design Centre, Goa, India.

• Tata Institute of Social Science, Hyderabad, India.
Video (Q & A)
• Lamakaan, Hyderabad Urban Lab, Hyderabad, India.
Video (TALK)
Explore and experiment!
• Pillai HOC College of Architecture, Rasayani, India.
• Pillai College of Architecture, New Panvel, India.
Urban water
Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture and Environmental Studies (KRVIA), Mumbai, India.
Simultaneous Modernities
Platform for Asian Architecture and Urbanism, KRVIA, Mumbai, India.
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India.
Own projects
• Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India.
• Technische Universität, Berlin, Germany.
• Skovhuset, Denmark.
One/billion: Urbanization in China and India
Towards sustainable production in Asia – our actions. Asia Energy Conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Urban Mobility: enabling development or causing more suffering?
Center for Infrastructure, Sustainable Transport and Urban Planning, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
Unidentified Architecture
“MASA Talk”, Jasma Devi Bhavan, Bangalore, India.

Healthy urban growth–healthy urban life?
Indian Institute of Human Settlements, Bangalore, India.
Development Urbanism
Denmark’s Technical University, Denmark.
Chandigarh’s Future: Real Problems and Potential Opportunities
City Art Museum, Chandigarh, India.
Global Environmental Issues and Climate Change
MCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh, India.
Innovations for Planned Urbanization
Young Indians, Confederation of Indian Industry, Chandigarh, India.
The global meets the local-or does it?
“Le Corbusier Memorial Lecture”, Chandigarh College of Architecture, India.
The Power of Urbanization-from Babylon to PRD/HK
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, Sweden.
Notes (pdf)
Los Angeles versus Shanghai: the Battle for the Future
Department of Architecture & Design, Aalborg University Center, Denmark.
Abstract (pdf)
Climate change, Cities and Urban Life
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark.
Video (Masdar and Shibam)
Video (Favela and Curitiba)
Climate Change, Cities and Urban Life
School of Architecture, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The Green City
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, Sweden.
The Creative City
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, Sweden.
The Flexible City
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, Sweden.
The ordinary city and its extraordinary importance
Green Urban Transformers, Denmark.
Cross-border regions
Department of Landscape and Urbanism, Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark.
• Architects’ Association of Denmark.
• Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, Sweden.
CO-EVOLUTION & Process Planning
Swedish Agricultural University in Alnarp, Sweden.
• Transforming Chinese Urbanism. Architectural Association’s Shanghai Visiting Students Summer School, China.
• London Festival of Architecture, UK.
Opening speech (pdf)
• A Green Future [Made in China]. Centre for the Built Environment in Manchester, UK.
• Pecha Kucha #1 in Chongqing, China.
• Intercultural and Interdisciplinary. 7th Sao Paulo International Biennial of Architecture, Brazil.
Opening speech (pdf)
• Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center, China.
• ARoS, Aarhus Art Museum, Denmark.
• North Jytland Art Museum, Denmark.
Introduction (mp3)
Interview (mp3)
• Vandpartnerskabet, Denmark.
• Vallekilde Højskole, Denmark.
• Swedish Agricultural University in Alnarp, Sweden.
• Danish Architecture Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark.

• Pecha Kucha #3 in Shanghai, China.

• 2nd Architectural Biennial Beijing, the National Museum of China, Beijing, China.
• Venice Biennale, 10th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice, Italy.
• Xi’an International Conference of Architecture and Technology, China.
Lost in Transition
Futures of Cities – The Construction of Urban Identity. 51st IFHP World Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Abstract (pdf)
Futures of Cities
51st IFHP Student Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Planning the Harmonious City
Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center, China.

The Future Architect
Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark.
The Contemporary City
CPH:DOX, Denmark.
Architecture in Harmony
Xi’an International Conference of Architecture and Technology, China.
People I met in China
Pecha Kucha #1 in Shanghai, China.
200% Tensta
Institute of Technologies, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture in Copenhagen, Denmark.
From Research on Contemporary Society to new Concepts for Urban Planning and Design
Huazhong University in Wuhan, China.
The Street: an Urban Platform
2nd Guangzhou Triennial of Contemporary Art, China.
The Perfect Plan?
Danish Architecture Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Urban regions, regional urbanization
cities: grand bazaar of architectureS. XXIInd World Architecture Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.
Regional mapping
Department of Landscape and Urbanism, Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark.
The Region
• Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, Sweden.
Excerpt from a review by a student at LTH: The Danish-Swedish architects office UiD guest lectured on the 3rd of May (…) Their lecture caused an animated discussion about regional development across national borders, migration, changes of the Welfare State and the consequences of these different phenomena for the physical planning. It is the first time during my almost three years at the school, that we have had an actual debate about planning issues with a clearly contemporary perspective.
• Copenhagen University, Denmark.
• curio[city]. Rooseum Museum, Malmö, Sweden.
CHECK-IN Øresund
Danish Architecture Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Planning and Realization
• Swedish Agricultural University in Alnarp, Sweden.
• Rooseum Museum, Malmö, Sweden.
Participatory Planning
‘Arkitekturens Dag’, Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark.
Planning for the multicultural society
Supertanker, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Can the future be planned?
Urban Design, Architecture & Design, Aalborg University Center, Denmark.
Form/Design Center in Malmö, Sweden.
Emerging cities
Danish Architecture Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark.
mixed realities
Department 1, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Department 6, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Department V, Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark.
Department X, Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark.
Danish Architecture Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Rice University, Tuscany, Italy.